Frequently Asked Questions
Before & After School Provision
- We have 'wrap-around' care from 7:45am to 6pm
- Our current provider is called 'Get Active'
- Further information detailing this can be found here on our website
Mixed Aged Classes
How do we cater for mixed-age classes?
- The school standard number for admissions is 45, which leads to mixed age classes within the school.
We use a variety of strategies to cater for this, including: Differentiation (stage not age), ability grouping, year group grouping, Teaching Assistant support, Interventions and guided teaching groups.
Even within year group classes all of these strategies would still be put in place.
Woodley C of E is a church school, not a faith school. We cater for children from all Religious nominations and teach a broad and balanced RE curriculum.
Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from any Collective Worship and also RE lessons.
If a parent would like to do this they would need to make an appointment with the Head Teacher.
Read Write Inc. - Phonics
Our chosen phonics scheme is Read Write Inc. Further detail about this scheme can be found here
Our Foundation Stage Curriculum
Continuation from FS1 (Nursery)
7 Prime Areas
Indoor and outdoor learning
Child Initiated
Continuous Provision
Transition Visits
Children will have a number of visits to the school before they start in September. Staff will visit pre-school settings (if possible) and may organise a home visit.
Part-Time School for 4 Year Olds
Can my child come to school on a part-time basis?
On the whole, most children start school on a full-time basis from September
Parents can approach the school and make an appointment to see the Head Teacher if they feel that they would like to discuss this and make other arrangements. The school may also suggest to parents that a part-time start may be appropriate for their child.
Do you take children from outside your catchment area?
As a Voluntary Controlled school Wokingham Borough Council Admissions Department determine our allocations based on the admissions criteria.
Generally, the majority of our children live in our catchment area but we do have children on roll who are from out of catchment.
If your application is successful
We will communicate with you in the Summer Term with the details about transition and your child starting school.
Tapestry - Foundation teachers and parents work together to build a profile for a child by sharing learning at home and at school.
ParentMail - All communication from the school is via our Parentmail app. Please download it if your application is successful
Staff Email - All staff members emails are regularly shared with parents.
How does lunch work for Foundation children?
- The children have their lunch intheir classrooms.
- All foundation and KS1 children are entitled to a free school meal. Parents can of course provide a packed lunch if that is what their child would prefer.
- After lunch, the children play outside in the KS1 playground and the Foundation outdoor area.
- Our lunch provider is currently Dolce. Foundation children can also have milk at school.
Further information can be found here