Assessment & Reporting


Assessment & Reporting

Assessment is intended to help staff recognise pupil achievement and progress; to establish what children know, understand and can do and to identify strengths and weaknesses, so that staff can plan for the next steps in their learning.

At Woodley CofE, Children will be involved in Statutory Assessment procedures at key points during their educational career:

  • At the beginning of the Reception Year, children are assessed against the Reception Baseline Assessment, which was introduced in September 2021.
  • In Year 1, children will complete the statutory Phonics Screening test
  • In Years 2 and 6 Statutory Assessment commonly known as End of Key Stage National Tests are completed (SATs). The results from Key Stage 1 and 2 assessments are reported to parents, the local authority and DfE.
  • In Year 4 the children complete the statutory Multiplication Check
End of Year Reports